The benefit to getting 501c3 status is the ability to accept charitable contributions. I am not familiar with a nonprofit LLC. There has been a movement in the past few years to create a hybrid of for profit and non profits called an L3C, low profit limited liability corporation.
The comma goes after the business between the name and the LLC. Business Company, LLC
Yes, they can.
Pershing LLC's motto is 'Your Business Without Limits'.
The Business Owner if single-member llc, Accountant.
No,, LLC is a Limited Liability Company. It's a type of a incorporation.
No, there usually is not a comma after LLC. However, it will depend on the business and how the company was registered.
It should be safe to create a business LLC online if a secure website is used. It can be cheaper to create online. LLC stands for "limited liability company".
A state business license is separate from an LLC. Check your local state requirements for both.
Do I have to file personal taxes if I own a small LLC? Or just file business taxes.
For example I put Biz, LLC. instead of Biz, LLC
A business that is LLC is called a limited liability company. This means that the company is not taxed as a separate business. The profits and losses are reported through personal tax returns.