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Q: Can your boyfriend live in your hud home that you own?
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Should the Hud labels own a mobile home be located own the front of mobile home?

They should be by the front door.

Should I move away from home to be with my boyfriend?

It's your own decision. >_>

Renting a HUD Home?

A HUD home is a house that was purchased through a special Housing and Urban Development plan offered by the federal government. The homeowner agreed to perform certain maintenance projects in order to receive a reduced mortgage rate for the property. Renting a HUD home can be an excellent way to save money on a home that is guaranteed to be well cared for.Lower Monthly PaymentsSince the HUD homeowner’s mortgage rates are lower than average mortgage rates, the savings should be passed on to the renter in the form of lower monthly payments. If you are looking for a good quality home at a lower price, a HUD home may be the perfect answer. Even if the homeowner charges you enough monthly to cover his or her home insurance and tax liability on the property, the monthly rent should be lower than the rent you would expect to pay for a traditionally funded home.Opportunities for CustomizationHUD homes are purchased with the knowledge that some home improvement work will need to be done on the property. As a renter, you may be able to negotiate with your landlord so that you can do some of the repair work yourself. Many HUD owners will be happy to share the labor with you if you are willing to pitch in and help get it done. It is possible that the home owner will give you the flexibility to choose the colors and designs for the restoration work yourself if you are willing to do the work.Lease to Own OptionsSome HUD homes are available with a lease to own option for the renters. The owner may not be interested in maintaining ownership of the home for the long term. If you have the opportunity to enter into a lease to own agreement for a HUD home and you like the property, it can be financially advantageous to take advantage of the opportunity. Leasing to own can make a property feel more stable for you and your family. It can also give you a chance to own your own home through a less daunting process than the traditional home-buying system.

Do you have to have your own home and job to be emancipated in NC if you are going to be staying at your fiance and childs fathers house?

No judge is going to emancipate a minor in order for them to go live with their boyfriend.

How do I let go of my 36 year old live at home with parents boyfriend after 3 years?

If they are in their late 30's they need to be living on their own - not with any parents.

What can you do if your brother's wife behaves rudely to your boyfriend's sister whenever she comes to meet you at your home and its affecting your relation with your boyfriend?

If you and you brother are sharing a home then you are not yet an independent person. You need to move out and set up your own home so that you and you boyfriend can mix with people they like without having to rely on you brother and his wife. Until you do this, if the house belongs to your brother and his wife you must live by their rules.

What is "reverse morgage" for aarp?

Basically, a reverse mortgage is a special loan that allows you to borrow against the equity that you've built up in your home. You must be at least 62 to apply and you must own your home or be able to pay off the home with the proceeds from the reverse mortgage. The borrower must also live in the home as a primary residence and the home must meet certain HUD criteria.

When Bella and edward get home do they live on their own?

No, they live with the other Cullens.

What is the purpose of home?

The purpose of a home is to have a place to live and to have your own privisey

Can you live home at 14?

You should be living at home at 14. You are too young to live on your own at that age.

What happens if the boyfriend leaves the home he and his girl friend own what are the girl friends rights?

that makes no sence

Where does Hattie Bryant live?

Currently, she is living in her own home.