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Unless it would be unsafe or violate a union contract, yes.

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Q: Can your boss schedule you to work a 16-hour shift?
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Can an employer make you work your 8 hour shift then require you to work a 16hour and take call every day for any shift?

That depends are you a minority?

If I work third shift schedule what amount of sleep will I need?

the same amount as if you work day shift.

How do you tell your boss what shift will you work on?

Generally, the boss decides which shift you will work. Maybe he doesn't need anyone on Day Shift and if you can only work on that shift he might fire you. Before you talk to the boss, you'd better find out if they need anyone. If you want to talk to him, without losing your job, you'd say --> "I'd like to have day shift if you get any openings."

What causes shift work circadian rhythm sleep disorder?

Shift work type is caused by the schedule of a person's job.

Can one collect unemployment insurance when the employer changes work shift to one that you can not work?

It depends on the State laws regarding unemployment. If they change your schedule to a schedule that is not customarily worked in your field, then you may have a claim. However, if you refuse to work that schedule and file for unemployment they can deny you based on your availability. For example, if you are a Cocktail Waitress and you work the day shift and they switch you to the night shift, then this is a shift that a normal Cocktail Waitress can work. If you quit, then unemployment will say, " are a Cocktail Waitress & cannot work this schedule...DENIED." However, if you are an 8-5 Office Worker and your employer decides that they want to change your schedule to the night shift, then you could possibly win this claim because the hours are not customary to a normal office workers schedule.

Can your boss order you to clock back into work after you have clocked out after your full scheduled shift?

Yes, my boss can if he needs me to do something urgent.

What does shift buddies mean?

Shift buddies is used to describe two people that work the same shift. This might mean that they work the same schedule, and keep eachother responsible, or in line.

Can you work and still play a sport also?

I would discuss this topic with your boss. If you don't want to you can work your practices and games around your work schedule. Good luck with your games!

I called my boss on Sunday when to work and he said mid next week does that mean the Wednesday coming or Wednesday after?

Your work schedule is something you need to clarify with your boss. If you don't report to work when he wants you, it is doubtful that he will accept a Q&A website's opinion as being a valid excuse.

What is the answer to this riddle a man finished his shift at work turned off the lights and went home the next morning he received a message from his boss saying he was fired why was he fired?

he worked night shift

Can you schedule someone to work less than 4 hours a shift in NY?

in illinois, is otnillegalmto be scheduled 4 or less hours

What is a Rotating Shift?

A rotating shift is a work schedule where employees move through different shifts on a regular basis, such as day shift, swing shift, and night shift. This system allows companies to provide around-the-clock coverage and distribute the less desirable shifts evenly among employees.