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Absolutely. Committing ANY criminal offense is a violation of probation.

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It depends on what type of crime you are on probation for.

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Q: Can you violate your federal probaton by committing a misdemeanor?
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Ways you get into federal courts?

By committing crimes or torts that violate federal laws.

What is the maximum Privacy Act penalty for individuals who violate the Act?

$5,000 and fined with a misdemeanor.

Federal courts hear cases that violate what rights?

They hear cases that violate your US Constitutional rights.

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If you violate copyright laws, you are not only un-ethical - you are committing an unlawful act.

Does a warrant for tickets violate probation?

Traffic tickets are, technically, misdemeanor offenses, and you mention plural tickets. Depending on the provisions of your porbation you could be in violation.

When Breaking a restraining order how much time can you get?

In most states it is a first degree misdemeanor ... so your looking at a year! Don't violate!

Supremacy Clause?

provision that states myst not violate the Constitution, federal laws or treaties

How many times can you violate probation before you go to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence in Indiana for a class A misdemeanor?

Depending on the violation you commit, as few as once.

Where can a case be tried that is in violation of state and federal laws?

Crimes that violate both state and federal laws can be tried in either state or federal court. Frequently, they are tried in both.

Can you garnish disability payments for non payment of rent after an eviction?

No. That would violate Federal Law.

Are executive orders constitutional?

They are if they are issued as part of carrying out or enforcing existing federal law and if they don't violate any existing federal laws or the Constitution.

Is it legal for me to shorten the barrel on my shotgun?

As long as you don't violate BATFE regulations on overall length (26" or longer) and barrel length (minimum 18"). Your barrel has to be over 18" long! I have shortened several, and make them at least 18 1/2" from the closed bolt, usually longer. Otherwise you are committing a federal felony.