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No; it would imply an association with that product that does not exist.

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Q: Can you use a sketch or drawing of a celebrity on a product without their permission?
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Is it OK to draw a celebrity and sell your drawing online?

Selling Celebrity Drawing Legality Amelia Mia Is it OK to draw a celebrity and sell your drawing online? It is generally not legal to sell a drawing of a celebrity without their permission, as it would likely be considered a violation of their right of publicity. This means that you would need to obtain a license or permission from the celebrity in order to sell your drawing. Additionally, you could be at risk of copyright infringement if you depict the celebrity in a way that is substantially similar to a copyrighted photograph or other image of the celebrity. It's best to consult with a lawyer before selling any drawing of a celebrity. My recommendations : 𝒉𝒕𝒕𝒑𝒔://𝒘𝒘𝒘.𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆24.𝒄𝒐𝒎/𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒓/283755/𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒂7/

What are two activities that you can do without first getting permission from a family member or teacher?

Reading and drawing

Can I use a company's logo without their permission if I am gifting the product with their logo to them in hopes of them wanting to order more of this product?

No, you cannot use a company's trademarked logo without their permission for any reason.

Can you get engaged at age 15 without parental permission?

You can get engaged without parental permission, you just can't get married until you are 18 without their permission.

In the state of Florida can a minor marry if pregnant without permission from her parents?

Pregnant without permission or marriage without permission? That's not very specific.

Is borrowing a horse without permission the same as stealing?

There is no such thing as borrowing without permission. Borrowing requires that the borrower have permission.

Can your employer sign your name on a document without your permission?

Yes without youre permission

What is lino drawing?

Lino drawing, is drawing without shading or adding tone to your drawings.

Can you be a celebrity on sims 3 without late night?

You can be have a limo and you can be a rock star but no you cannot be a celebrity without late night.

When can you get your lip pierced in TX without parent permission?

you have to be 14, in order to get it done without parents permission.

Can a broker sell your stock without your permission?

NO!!!!!! The only way they can is by written permission or verbal permission..

Can you use a celebrity's name in your book without their permission?

Using a celebrity's name in a book without permission can potentially lead to legal issues, especially if it's done in a misleading or defamatory way. It's generally advisable to seek legal advice or permission before using a celebrity's name to avoid any potential problems.