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If you are referring to an actual "badge" similar to the type a law enforcement officer might carry or wear, or are referring to it as a slang reference to some type of state issued ID card, you would have to check with the laws of the state However, if you use one, understand that it confers no real authority.

Repossessions are carried out under an act of the Civil Court.

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Q: Can you use a repo badge in Michigan?
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If they have a judgment against you, yes.

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Legally, ONE day. As long as you are in DEFAULT of your contract, the lender CAN repo the collateral. Read the contract for more on DEFAULT.

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state of Michigan automobile the has abandon for two yrs

Can you carry legally a repossession agent badge in Virginia?

NO repo agents are not certified in VA but to be a private eye you would have to be certified by the state a VA

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It's badge 7

In Michigan is there some law that says you can tell the repo man he cannot have your car?

No, he MUST do what the company he works for tells him to do.

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Slightly confusing question. If YOU are the leinholder, why is the bank trying to repo the car? Why does the bank not know the laws of repossession in MI? If you(the leinholder) are trying to repo the car, CALL your attorney. You will need her/him to perform this LEGALLY.MI and CANADA are NOT good places to LEARN the repo business for beginners. Good Luck.

What HMS can you use for certain gym leaders on Pokemon FireRed?

In Pokémon FireRed, for defeating Brock, his Badge will allow you the use of the Flash HM, Misty's Badge will allow you to use the Cut HM, Lt. Surge's Badge will allow you the use of the Fly HM, Erika's Badge will allow you the use of the Strength HM and Koga's Badge will allow you the use of the Surf HM.

What badge do you need to use rockclimb in ss?

badge 16 from blue

What badge do you need to use fly in Pokemon gold?

The badge from Cianwood.