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Not in most cases. Check with your probation officer to be sure.

ok I am going to add to this answer because i freaked out a few times in the last 12 months when i did this and read all these useless post commented on by people with zero experience with it. I have been on supervised probation for the past two years and it just ended last week, while on probation i went to Cancun Mexico without permission from my probation officer on two occasions, traveled domestically using airplanes dozens of times without permission and even asked for permission to go to rome Italy and got denied, went anyway and had no problem, bottom line, as long as you schedule your trip around your monthly meeting, make your payments, and dont draw attention to yourself while overseas you will get away with it. probation offciers are state employees, not FBI agents, they dont have access to tsa records and even if they wanted them they would need to know the name of the airline the fight number etc to check if you traveled, passport records are not available to them at all. the only time they will know is if your license gets run by a cop in another state or u are arrested. behave and enjoy your trip!

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You can travel abroad if you have a suspended sentence. You may already have a passport which wouldn't effect your ability to travel at all.

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Q: Can you travel abroad if you are awaiting sentencing and are on bail?
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It is unlikely that Chester Weger will make bail since he is currently serving a life sentence for murder. Typically, bail is granted to individuals who are awaiting trial or sentencing, not to those who have already been convicted and sentenced.

The money or property needed to get out of jail while awaiting a trial?

It's called a bail. As if someone where to ''bail'' you out.

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A homophone for bail is bale. Bail refers to the release of a person awaiting trial, while bale refers to a bundle of goods, like hay or paper.

Defendants awaiting trial who aren't required to post bail may be released on what?

Personal recognizance.

How long can a county jail hold you till they have to release you if your already in trial?

they dont have to you have to bail him/her out before sentencing

Are most defendants detained in jail while awaiting trial?

No most are released on some type of Bail Bond.

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This is a strange question. If you are asking what can cause a person to spend a year in jail on pending charges awaiting sentencing than the reason is most likely due to the courts process and things needed to be done before judgment and sentencing. Bond is not always set on a person, it is not a right of ones but more of a privilege. And if this person has an extensive record or anything that makes them a danger to society they most likely will not be granted bail. On the other hand, anyone has the right to as many bail hearings as they want but ultimately it is up to how good the defendants lawyer is at pleading why the defendant shall be granted bail and how good the states attorney is at pleading why they shouldn't and them the judge makes the ruling.

Can you get bond awaiting extradition?

Yes, getting bond while awaiting extradition is possible. The Uniform Extradition Act requires a bail bond to be set for any charges that are not punishable by death or life imprisonment.

Can you travel by plan from province to province while on bail?

That would depend on the terms of the bail set by the courts.

Can you legally be jailed awaiting trial for seven years because you could not make the 40 million bail?

That is a violation of your right to a quick and speedy trial granted in the Constitution. You can sue the government for that 40 million and get your bail. #itpaystobeacynic

What is the definition of set bail?

Setting bail refers to the amount of money a court determines a defendant must pay in order to be released from custody while awaiting trial. It acts as a security to ensure the defendant appears in court as required.

What if someone lies to get out of jail on bail?

Since everyone is entitled to be considered for release on bail, I'm wondering what kind of lie was told by the defendant? In any case..., if information was offered that was proveably untrue then their bail could be revoked and they could be jailed awaiting their court action. If their bail was fronted by a bail bondsman, they'll have to be even more cautious about any lying or the bail bondsman will pull their bail bond and the defendant will end up back in jail because no one will stand his bond.