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If 18 is the age of majority in your state (and it is in most of them) you have no responsibilities for your child once they are 18.

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Q: Can you tell your 18 year old to leave your home and what if any are our responsibilities?
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Can a parent make a 18 year old leave his home?

Legally, a parent cannot force an 18-year-old to leave their home if the 18-year-old is still considered a dependent. However, once the 18-year-old is no longer considered a dependent, the parent can ask them to leave.

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I am not a US citizen so I don't know about the state laws of Florida. However, I can tell you for certain that you should not leave a 10 year old child home alone (legal or not!).

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Can 17 year old leave house with parents consent?

Yes, they certainly can as long as they have consent. It does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities.

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Yes. They are an adult at 18, even if they're still in school, so you certainly can ask/tell them to leave.

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NO. Are you crazy?

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About time.

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You need to get a a judge to let you leave by court order.

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tell him that you like him then leave the ball in his court

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