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Sure you can but good luck winning that lawsuit

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Q: Can you sue someone for money if your name isn't on the lease?
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Can you take your name off the lease if someone plans on moving out?

Only the landlord can take a name off a lease. Until then the signing parties are bound by the contract.

Can I lease a truck for someone else?

You cannot lease a truck for someone else, unless you have a commercial lease on a vehicle. You could lease a truck, but the title must be in your name. You can certainly make payments for someone else, but the credit will always go towards the lessee.

What do you do if your spouse removes your name of a apartment lease and no laws have been broke?

Are you asking what to do if your spouse removes your name off an apartment lease? If so, and you guys are on the lease together, he can't take your name off the lease. If he had the lease prior to you moving in and added you as someone dwelling in the apartment and is now removing your name from that list there isn't really much you can do I'm afraid.

What if your landlord signs your name to the lease?

Then he or she has broken the law. Contact the police or an attorney. A lease is a legal contract and someone other than you signing your name is committing a crime.

What is the birth name of Rex Lease?

Rex Lease's birth name is Rex Lloyd Lease.

Can your girlfriend take your name of the lease if both names where on the lease?

No one can take your name off of your lease but you

Is a spouse responsible for a deceased spouse's car lease if it is in his name only?

A spouse is almost never responsible for the expenses of a deceased spouse. However, if the deceased spouse had money and there will be probate, someone may make a claim against the deceased spouse's money in probate court.

Can you add a name to a car lease?

can a name be added to a car lease

Can you lease your vehicle to someone while keeping the vehicle in your name?

It is never recommended to have someone elses using your vehicle on daily basis under your name. save yourself some trouble.

How can you transfer car lease?

90% of the time you can transfer a car lease. It is dependent on your leasing company. You will have to find someone that is interested in taking over the remaining lease term. They will have to go through a credit check precess with the leasing company. If they are approved there will be final documents to sign and then the lease is in the new parties name and you are out.

What does the name Lindley mean?

Nothing it isnt a name

How do you get out of a lease when it is in your uncles name?

If your name is not on the lease, you are not under contract with the landlord so you don't have to "get out" of anything. YAY!