You can, so long as you can document that there is in fact a serious rodent problem (and by serious, you fear for your health or safety) and that you've notified the landlord and given him a chance to fix the problem. Once you've satisfied that (and you can do that in a couple days), you can break the lease. The landlord may sue you for breach of the lease, but you'd have a pretty good case, so long as it's atrue rodent problem and not a mouse here or there.
You should seek professional help or consult your vehicle's instruction manual before attempting to fix the power window on your Nissan Maxima. Your problem may be due to a power switch problem.
It means "Distributor Signal Interrupt". However, this information might not be of much help if you are attempting to fix the problem which caused the code. I've searched through many forums and have not found a definitive fix for this problem.
I am sure you could, but if you are attempting to fix the problem it is simplest to just buy a new one for $5 on Ebay or Amazon. .j.
we are still trying to fix the problem
Depends on the problem. If you want to fix the problem, then find the solution and use the solution to fix it.
Leave something alone; avoid attempting to correct, fix, or improve what is already sufficient
trying to fix simular problem
There is no problem of gays in the military, so there is nothing to fix.
There are many different reasons for a SMTP error code. Not all codes mean the same thing, so it is best to look at what the problem the code is before attempting to fix.
and what problem would that be?
YouTube has many videos on how to fix that problem.