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No. A person Female or male can live with whom and where they like.

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Q: Can you sue husband for abandonment?
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Can your husband sue you for abandonment if you left him because he is violent to you?

"Sue" in legal terms just means "Ask". He can go to court to ASK the courts to force you to pay him something, but if you can document his violence, the court would probably turn on him.

Can you leave your husband before you file for divorce?

according to my sister who is filing for a divorce your husband can sue for abandonment or use it against you later in court unless you have at least discussed this with ur attorney and he leads you in right direction

Can you get your husband for abandonment if you cheat on your husband an y'all are not divorced does he have to give you money?


Do to abandonment by husband is wife liable for his bills?

No way!!!

In Tennessee if a wife takes her children and leaves her husband to move to another state is that considered abandonment?

Yes , you see the husband can easily file a case against her , for abandonment.

What is considered Marriage abandonment in New Jersey?

If the husband and wife are staying in New Jersey , and the husband leaves the wife without at all informing her, a case of abandonment can be very well filed.

If exhusband won't tell you where he is staying is that abandonment?

If he is an ex-husband, he can't be charged with abandonment, you are already divorced. If you are refering to a child of his that you are raising, it probably isn't enough to establish abandonment.

Can you sue your wife or husband?


Can you sue an ex husband for abuse?

Yes you can sue anyone for abuse

Can you sue husband for STD?

Whether or not you can sue your husband for an STD depends greatly on where you live. If you get an STD from your spouse, you can sue for negligence, emotional distress, battery, and breach of contract.

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Info on Lin Sue Cooney's first husband

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