You can sue anyone for anything. Many companies will settle out of court to avoid legal fees and bad publicity, and they'll probably have you sign a document that prevents you from talking to anyone about it -- forever. If your suit is determined to be frivolous, you could be counter-sued and pay for their costs (and their attorneys charge a lot more than yours). The prime question is, "How were you harmed?" If you were not harmed, you really don't have a reason to seek damages. If your harm was emotional, you'll have to prove it to some serious professional attorneys. If you saw there was something foreign in your meal before you put it in your mouth, you should request a replacement (another item from the menu would not be too much to ask) and if you were genuinely shocked, having the manager pay for your meal is not out of the question.
I'll tell you if you explain STRING.
Having another string to your bow means having another talent.
everyone toilet papers houses but it depends on if the person will sue you or not
Yes you can
food what else
go for it!
You cannot sue a person for martial interference. If you are having problems with this, you need to confront the person about it.
yes because you can literally sue for anything
i think you can but you shouldn't sue them you should sue the person who put it up there in the first place! and if it was you..then .. well... that's your own fault