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In general, yes. However, as in any such suit, it is the Plaintiff's burden to prove the following elements: (1) the existence of a duty; (2) breach of that duty; (3) proximate causation (but for the breach, an injury would not have occurred); (4) compensable injuries.

Usually, such an action would be for negligence. The concept of negligence is embodied in items 1-3 above and, strictly speaking, is at odds with the concept of a legal "accident". This is because a true legal accident does not contemplate fault--it is something that happens without someone failing to adhere to a legal duty.

Another issue is that if you are dealing with a public school, there is the concept of "sovereign immunity". To make a very long story short, this generally requires the claimant to provide notice of the intention to make a claim in advance of making it. It is not the same as a statute of limitations (the limitations period for a claim against a government entity can be shorter than the statute of limitations for the same kind of cause of action against a private party).

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Zack Hosein

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yes you can

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Q: Can you sue a school for accidental injury?
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