Some things they can and some things they cannot except through a subpoena.
In order to subpoena a contract you need to have a lawyer. The lawyer will then have the judge sign off on the subpoena, requiring the use of the contract for a case.
If I receive subpoena from a renter's lawyer of an existing employer, who is to pay my lost wages?
Ask your lawyer. Don't screw up your instructions and supoena.
Tax Lawyer assistance but too,bad the operator said no for asking the name of the lawyer.
Every state in the USA provides lawyer referral services for people who need assistance in matters of law. For example, citizens of Vermont can get a lawyer by contacting the Vermont Bar Association and providing them with information on their needs.
James Otis opposed the writs of assistance.
You answer interrogatories truthfully but without offering absolutely any additional information. Hopefully you have a lawyer.
Pro se is a legal term that means representing oneself in court without the assistance of a lawyer. It is commonly used in cases where individuals choose to advocate for themselves without professional legal representation.
You would need to hire a lawyer who can fill out the proper paperwork and then they can help you through the process.