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Only the parent the child stays with can decide that. So if it's shared custody you decide the week you have him and the other week she decides. None of you can tell the other one who the child is allowed to see unless that person is unfit to be around the child. It's not uncommon for step parents to take part in the child's life regarding picking up and drop off for school.

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Q: Can you stop the boyfriend from coming to the pick up and drop off of a child?
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Now here are the types of questions that I LOVE!!! haha you can:Show up at his door step in the outfit he said he liked you best in, then knock on the door. Say that you came by to pick up any extra stuff that you might have left, then pretend that your "boyfriend" called and pick up the phone and say, "Baby calm down, I'll be out there in a second", then walk out and say that you had to make sure you had everything, and go.For this tip, have your brother or a co-worker drop you off and pick you up, to make it look like it's your boyfriend.

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