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Yeah right if they want to get arrested ! Minors can sign tax returns at any age, the catch is, if there is a problem with the filing the parents or legal guardian will be held responsible. Other documents both state and federal sometimes require the parents and the minor's signature, but any parent who has custody of the minor can sign any document on the minor's behalf. Regardless of the situation, parents and legal guardians are ALWAYS responsible for the minor child/children until they reach the age of majority, meaning whether the minor signs or not is irrelevant. The only exception is when the issue is one of medical care.

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Legislative Petitions generally require registered voter signatures. Any invalid signature can contribute to invalidating the petition in some cases.

However, non-legislative petitions (those not being presented to a legislature, but for example to a school) would have their own qualifications as to who can or can not sign the petition.

In a legislative petition, best case scenario is that the under 18 (hence non-registered voter) signature will be invalidated and simply effectively dropped from the total count of signatures.

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Yes, you will.

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Q: Can you sign a legal document aged 16?
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A person must be of legal age to sign a contract. A lease on an apartment is a legal contract. So a 16-year old would not be able to sign this document.

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The 16 year old is a minor and by federal law CANNOT sign a legal document. It does not matter whether the 16 year old has a job or not.

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A minor cannot make out out a will or sign any legal document unless they have been emancipated.

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Does a 16 year old have to sign a legal document when one parent is asking for full custody after the parent was sharing joint custody previously?

No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.

What is the legal age to sign tenant contract in Ontario?


Why do you have to get permission to move out at the age of 16?

{| |- | Because the parents are still going to be responsible for the minor until they reach the age of majority, normally 18. The biggest item is to get parental permission. And a 16 year old cannot sign a legal document. The parents will have to co-sign on any lease or apartment rent agreement. |}

Does Kentucky allow the execution of juveniles?

Yes, in Kentucky it would be legal to execute a juvenile aged 16 or 17.

Can a biological father sign for his 16 year old to marry without mothers consent in Texarkana?

Only the legal guardian can sign so if the parents are divorced he can sign if he has full legal custody. Otherwise not.

Where can you find a legal document containing all the rights for a 16 year old in Ontario Canada?

There is no such thing.

You are 16 can you take out a loan?

No. You must be at least 18 to sign a legal contract. Or you can get someone of age to co-sign the loan.

Now I'm 16 can you leave school?

Yes, if you are 16 years of age or older, you can legally drop out of school. However, a parent or legal guardian must sign for this to be legal.