nope its not illegal anywhere to shoot rabbits anywhere unless someone see's you :) but where you are my can shoot all the rabbits you want! just....get a proper gun mate....aslong as you can defantly kill the rabbit with a bb gun dont shoot them. its just cruel. much better getting an air rifle or shotgun to kill rabbits! even if its a cheap airgun worth like $20 its still better than a bb gun. if your still hoping to kill them with a bb gun now then make sure it kills them. hope that answerd you question. :)
No, it is against the law to sell any wild rabbits. Trapping can only be done during season.
It would help if you stated what city you are asking about.
Knife is to Stab, as Gun is to Shoot.
you get a gun and shoot people you get a gun and shoot people
To shoot a paintball gun in Roblox, simply point to where you want to shoot at and click the left button of your mouse or trackpad.
They does shoot them from a movies gun
If you really want you can shoot anything you want with a gun
It depends where you live, and what the laws are for using BB guns on small animals. Usually it's not unlawful to use a BB gun on small animals like rabbits, squirrels, pigeons, etc.
Yes, children have the ability to shoot a gun. Also, gun manufacturers make child sized guns.
Use a gun that allows you to shoot fast and use gun booster.