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No, that is illegal. You cannot sack somebody for being pregnant.

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Q: Can you sack someone if they are pregnant in first 3 months of employment?
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Any where from 18 months.

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If you mean in the first 6 months after pregnancy, then yes: you can become pregnant in this time period. If you are breast-feeding, this will generally prevent pregnancy.

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You can have a period for about three months after you have become pregnant, my mother had her's for about three months while she was pregnant with me.. That was actually the first time she had her menstrual any consecutive months.. Normally she would have her period once maybe twice a year. But when she got pregnant it was the first time she had her period more than once a year.

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I knew someone who really thought she was preggo, all the tests were negative the dr told her she wasnt 3 months later it finally showed positive and she was about 3 months pregnant! Good luck.

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Cats can get pregnant from their first call, which can happen anytime after 3 months of age!

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For many woman, yes. Especially with the first pregnancy.

If you are 2 months pregnant can you ride roller coaster?

No. You should be very cautious in your first trimester. It is easy to miscarry during these three months.

Can you look at a woman and tell she is pregnant?

Not for the first months, no. Later on it depends on the woman. Not everyone is alike.

How long is a few hours gestation on howrse?

The first day you make your mare pregnant, the next day will be 2 months, then 4 months, then 8 months, then 10 months, then the foal will be born.

What if you go for years without sleeping with a man and you meet someone and you end up sleeping with him on the first date does he have less respect for you?

well he will think your easy and you will end up pregnant maybe about 8 months later.