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The age of majority for Texas is 18 that constitutes adulthood for children and they can be legally requested to leave the family residence if circumstances warrant. The parent(s) must allow the adult child a reasonable amount of time to find other accomodations (minimum 30 days) and must allow the adult child to take personal items (clothes, medicine, sundries,) and those items which were purchased by the individual or "gifted" to them. The exception is if there is a court order disallowing the action or the child is physically or mentally challenged, in which case legal procedure through the court must be followed.

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Q: Can you remove 18-year-old adult child from the home in Texas?
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How do you remove an adult child?

A child is, by definition, not a adult An adult is not, by definition, a child Thus there is no such thing as an 'adult child' - your question is therefore impossible to answer.

What is Parent legal responsibility for adult child in Texas?

No, they are not.

Can you remove 18 year old adult child from the home in California?

Yes he/she is now an adult.

Where did martin de leon live as a child or adult?

First he was in mexico and then went to Texas.

Can you get your adult child to move out for trespassing?

Yes, you can ask the police to remove them for tresspassing.

What Age child can refuse to see parent who does not have custody in Texas?

Age 18 or at the time of emancipation. If the child is mature enough to make an adult decision, the child is mature enough for all adult responsibilities.see links

Can an adult sue for back child support if the child is raised and no support was ever ordered or established in Texas?

The child can file prior to age 19.

Under Texas laws does my child continue to receive child support when he is in college?

If the person is a child, ie. under 18 years of age, then yes. If the person is no longer a child, ie 18 and over (which is the legal adult age in Texas, then no.

In court of Texas is 17 adult?

it depends on how serious the crime commited is. i believe they can try a child at 16 as an adult if the crime is serious enough

What is the age where a child in Texas won't be considered a runaway?

In Texas, a child is no longer considered a runaway at the age of 17. Once a child turns 17, they are legally considered an adult and are free to come and go as they please without being classified as a runaway.

Can an adult in Texas file a child support claim for a father that never supported her as a child?

Up until the child turns age 18 and even if the father was never notified of the existence of the child, as is common.

At what age can a parent legally throw out a teenager in Texas?

In the state of Texas a person becomes legally designated an adult at the age of 18. In most cases the parent(s) will no longer be legally or financially responsible for the child (an exception could be a child support order that stipulates a different age). If the parents so choose they may request their "adult" child to move from their residence.