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You do not have to serve your notice period, but your employer will probably give you an indifferent reference. Will your next employer be concerned that you may do the same thing again? If you can serve your notice, do it. You will be glad you did in the months and years to come.

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Q: Can you refuse to work a notice period after resigning?
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What is the notice period if you work six month?

Format of resignation letter?

A resignation letter should be short and sweet. It should state that you are resigning, that you are giving your two weeks notice and thanking your employer for the opportunity to work there.

What do you mean of lieu of notice?

Lieu of notice means that your employer is paying you upfront so you do not have to work out your notice period.

What period of notice should you give if you wish to leave your job?

It depends on the company you work for - and your pay period. The 'norm' is at least a week.. However - if you're paid monthly - you would be expected to give a month's notice.

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No you can not.

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What happens when you refuse work while on unemployment?

If you refuse a job and the government finds out you can lose your unemployment entitlements.

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If your employer does not provide you with an appropriate MSDS you may refuse to work with the product after one working day.

How much salary we get without notice period?

depends clearly on your contract or offer letter. General industry standards mention 15 - 30 days of work.

What are the conditions under which decision are made?

Employee was previously employed. During the 2 weeks notice period, employee decided not to show up for work at all. Second time employee was rehired, similar incident, 2 weeks notice put in then employee decided not to show up to work.

What do you do when staff refuse to do the task?

If that work belongs to me , then its my respnsibility, to complete it. Since there is no other way, if other people refuse it.