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You need to sue the person and if you win the court will issue a judgment lien that can be recorded in the land records. Then, the property cannot be sold or mortgaged without paying off the lien.

You need to sue the person and if you win the court will issue a judgment lien that can be recorded in the land records. Then, the property cannot be sold or mortgaged without paying off the lien.

You need to sue the person and if you win the court will issue a judgment lien that can be recorded in the land records. Then, the property cannot be sold or mortgaged without paying off the lien.

You need to sue the person and if you win the court will issue a judgment lien that can be recorded in the land records. Then, the property cannot be sold or mortgaged without paying off the lien.

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12y ago

You need to sue the person and if you win the court will issue a judgment lien that can be recorded in the land records. Then, the property cannot be sold or mortgaged without paying off the lien.

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Q: Can you put a lien on someone's house if they don't carry enough auto insurance to pay for injury caused by car accidents?
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