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Some of the reasons why alchohol should be illegal and marijuana should be legal.

in alchohol your more disorientated, your motor functions are completely off and if you were to drink too much achohol theres the possibility of death.

On the other hand with marijuana yes is does disorientate you somewhat, your motor functions are well and there is no possibility of death if you smoke too much marijuana. You hear it on the news almost everyday people getting hit by drunk drivers people getting killed by drunk drivers but do you ever hear about people getting killed by high drivers because if you have that's news to me. FREE THE WEED ;)

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Q: Can you name reasons why alcohol should be illegalized while legalizing marijuana?
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What are the moral implications of legalizing marijuana?

There are no moral reasons as to why marijuana should be legalized. The effects of the drug are demoralizing and are not in any way good for the body.

Why won't the federal government decriminalize marijuana completely?

There is a general guiding philosophical principle, that drugs should be used only for medical reasons, and not for recreational reasons. If people can obtain happiness simply by using a drug, this is a distraction from genuine accomplishments in life which bring a more genuine type of happiness. There is also the concern that when people are under the influence of recreational drugs, their judgment is impaired and they may do foolish or destructive things. Recreational drug use is simply not good for people. There are better forms of entertainment. Marijuana is a complicated case, because it is used both for medical purposes and for recreational purposes. Also, it is not as addictive, and is less destructive to sanity, than many other drugs. One could argue that even alcohol, which is legal, is more dangerous than marijuana. But there is a lingering sense that legalizing marijuana would be just a surrender to foolish (if not sinful) hedonism.

Reasons why marijuana should be legal?

1.) Marijuana doesn't have long lasting side effects like alcohol and other harder drugs, like liver or tooth damage. In fact, THC may kill off cancer cells, but nothing has been proven.

What do people use marijuana for?

Different reasons I smoke marijuana because there is problems in this world and i need it like a medicine.

What treatment do you have for marijuana?

There is no treatment for marijuana. Its proven that it is not addictive. Many States have adopted it as a medicine for over 100 diff reasons. It is a fact that marijuana has never caused a death.

Why people do not do marijuana?

they avoid that for health reasons I believe that as a recreational drug Marijuana is actually less dangerous than alcohol, but I don't use MJ. I have asthma and the "can't breathe" part sort of keeps you from getting high. Can't do brownies because I'd gain too much weight, so I stick to wine LOL!

What are reasons why Marijuana should not be abused?

There are a lot of reasons that you should not use Marijuana. First it can make you loopy and you may hallucinate. The BIGGEST reason not to use it is that if the police catch you you can get in big trouble. but there are medical uses if they are prescribed to you.

Why is marijuana legal for medical reasons but not for others?

marijuana is legal for medical reasons because some illnesses have other cures but with very dangerous side effects. regular marijuana is not legal because once you use it get addicted and cant stop using it to get high and other stuff.

Is marijuana safe?

Medical reasons yes. Smokeing and drug use hell no.

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What is meant by gateway drugs?

A gateway drug is a drug that may lead to using other drugs. Some consider marijuana to be a gateway drug. The reason for that is that marijuana might be illegal for the wrong reasons. Then youth may try marijuana, realize it is not harming them, and become curious about the others, figuring adults lied about them too.

What is the current status of marijuana legalization in New Jersey, and how has it impacted the state's economy and social landscape?

As of my last update in September 2021, New Jersey had legalized recreational marijuana through a constitutional amendment approved by voters in November 2020. This amendment allowed for the possession, use, and sale of marijuana for adults aged 21 and older. Following the approval, the state had been in the process of implementing regulations and establishing a framework for the legal cannabis market. The legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey has had several impacts on the state's economy and social landscape: Economic Benefits: Legalizing recreational marijuana has created a new industry and revenue stream for the state. Licensed dispensaries and cannabis-related businesses have begun to operate, generating tax revenue and job opportunities. This additional revenue has the potential to contribute to various public programs and initiatives in New Jersey. Social Justice and Criminal Justice Reform: One of the key reasons for marijuana legalization in New Jersey was to address social justice issues related to marijuana criminalization. Legalization aimed to reduce racial disparities in marijuana-related arrests and convictions, which had disproportionately affected communities of color. By legalizing marijuana, the state intended to expunge certain past marijuana convictions, providing relief to individuals with non-violent marijuana offenses on their records. Public Health and Regulation: Legalizing marijuana allows for better regulation of its production, distribution, and sale. The state can establish safety standards, quality control measures, and guidelines for responsible use. Additionally, it enables the implementation of public health campaigns to educate the public about potential risks and benefits associated with marijuana use. Tourism and Business Opportunities: The legalization of recreational marijuana could potentially attract cannabis tourism, with visitors coming from neighboring states where marijuana remains illegal. This influx of tourists could boost local businesses and the hospitality industry. Challenges and Considerations: Despite the benefits, there have been challenges in implementing marijuana legalization effectively. These include issues related to zoning, taxation, law enforcement training, and ensuring public safety on the roads. Additionally, there may be ongoing debates about how to balance the commercial aspects of the marijuana industry with public health and safety concerns. Since my knowledge is up to September 2021, it's essential to refer to the latest news and updates from official sources for the most current information on the status and impact of marijuana legalization in New Jersey.