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Yes, many parents live in one country and pay for their children living in another.

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Q: Can you move to another country and pay child support?
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Can a mother move out of the country if the father is paying child support?

mother of my child moved out of the country with telling anyone and i owe back child support, ive been given a petition to go to court what will happen ? its in ny

Does the father still have to pay child support if the mother and son move to another country?

This is read all over the world, where laws differ. If you want the correct answer speak to a local lawyer.

What does a father's consent letter for letting a mother and child move to another country need to have?

The mother and child leaving the country need to have the custodial father approve it, AND the Court needs to approve the move.

If you move from Pennsylvania will Florida garnish wages for child support?

Yes... No matter where you move to, Child Support will find you!!!

If the father of your child does not pay child support can you move to a different state with your child legally?

He is still the father with/without child support and has rights. Take him to court to get the child support and make arrangements for your move to a different state.

Can a parent living in California move to Colorado without taking the child and not have to pay child support?

Yes to move without the child (I assume the other parent will take care of her) No to not paying child support. Moving to another state does not mean you are allowed to stop paying for your child. You are still obligated to pay for him/her until they are emancipated.

Can a custodial parent who is receiving court ordered child support in one state move to another state and collect child support from both states at the same time?

No, that is considered fraud, and is an arrestable offence.

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Does your child mom have the right to move in your home with child if they where evicted an you are not married in lew of child support?

She doesn't have the "right" to move in. If you decide to do this in lieu of child support, get a court order that recognizes this arrangement.

Custodial parent filed for support after moving out of the state of Nevada Is she entitled for child support and in order to receive this support will she have to move back to Nevada?

She is entitled to child support regardless of where either of you live. It is your child and you must help support him/ her, and no, she does not have to move back to Nevada.

How can somebody get out from child support?

Move to Florida

You are a custodial parent and you are moving to another state how will you contunie to receive child support payments?

Make sure that the courts and/or your State's child support agency knows your whereabouts. And don't forget to get the permission of the court to move.