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Absolutely, if everyone involved agrees to the payment plan. What they want is money; what you want is freedom from debt. Whatever gets both sides closer to that is a good thing.

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Q: Can you make payment arrangements with a lawyer for credit card payments after being summoned to court?
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What to do if your being served a civil summons for credit card debt?

Most importantly, appear in court on the date and at the time you are summoned. Bring with you all records of payments against the debt. Be prepared to explain to the courts why you defaulted, and plead for the opportunity to make arrangements for payment.

Can a credit card come send you to collections if you are making a payment?

They can do whatever they want if you are behind, but it would be weird for them to pursue collections if you are making REGULAR payments. Call the credit card company and make arrangements.

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If a mortgage payment is 20 days late will that be reported to the credit bureaus?

Generally, late payments over 30 days late are reported to a credit reporting agency. After that, late mortgage payments can become "missed" mortgage payments. And missed payments can affect your credit score in a negative way. However, your exact late payment will depend on how your specific mortgage lender reports payments to the credit bureaus.

What is the most widely used and accepted form of payment for making business travel arrangements?

Major credit cards are the most widely used and accepted form of payment for making business travel arrangements.

Can late payments come off your credit report?

Yes late payments can come off your credit report. They can be removed by either the original creditor that put it on there or by the credit bureaus. You can dispute late payments on your credit report with the credit bureaus using the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The FCRA requires the credit bureaus to contact the creditors to verify the late payment. If the late payment isn't verified it must be removed.

Should you default on credit card bills thus ruining your credit record or sell your car which is in good condition and likely to last a few more years?

Sell your car to pay down your debt and buy a beater. Have you contacted the credit card companies? It may make sense to call them to discuss payment arrangements. I have a client who had a $25,00 credit card bill with payments over $1000/month. By calling, they were able to get the rate lowered to around 8% and a monthly payment of $600 for one year after which the credit card company would review the payment plan. Many of the credit card companies are instituting these types of arrangements so, even of you do sell your car, you may want to try and work out a payment arrangement to suit your budget.

How will a deferred payment look on your credit?

If it is a student loan, there will be a statement on the credit report. It will also show the date that payments were deferred.

You Have To Buy To Begin?

If you are one of the Americans out there who have no credit whatsoever, know that there are things that you can still purchase. Car dealers who accept payments at their dealership will approve you for a vehicle as long as you have a down payment and you can provide proof of income. This will also give your credit a boost if you make the payments on time. Furniture stores that accept monthly payments will accept customers who have no credit. Find a store that is willing to work with you on a down payment as well as payment options in order to start a credit rating.

Should you see if your bank will repo your car as you just can't keep making the payments and when you do they are late you have had the car for 4 month now you know it will make your credit bad?

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