probably lose your permit for a period of time. then you'll have to start over again.
A restraining order generally prohibits the aggressor from coming within a certain distance of the victim. Any acceptable exceptions, such as custody exchange, would be listed in the order itself.
A petition for a restraining order must normally be filed in the same county where the defendant lives, because the court must have personal jurisdiction over the defendant.
Driving permit? Gun permit? Building permit?
It is Illegal to do so unless you include a bribe of usually 500$ USD.
An order that expires on December 17 is good until midnight on that date. At one minute after midnight on the 18th it is no longer in effect.
Whether a restraining order is granted is based on the merits of the complaint, not who filed it. If the judge sees reason to grant the order it will be.
i had a restraining order put on me over 4 years ago and the judge gave me 1 year restraining order which i obeyed now the person is contacting me and i also contacted her and she is calling the police again saying i broke a restraing order and i live in Vancouver and she lives in Winnipeg Manitoba she contacted me about 2 months ago and i replied and left 2 messages after on her phone and she is now trying to charge me again
you cant because the Mexicans will jump over them
The judge may, or may not, delay your report time to jail. If he doesn't, when your restraining order case comes up they will just ship you over from jail to attend it.
No, it's not possible to be arrested for seeing her. The only legal issues would be if she was underage and you were over age, and you had sex with her. Than your in more trouble. But to answer your question, no.Added: The questioner complicated the scenario by adding information about a "restraining order." Even if the daughter (who it is assumed is a minor) did not wish to have a restraining order issued against you, IF the parent DID, you must adhere to the provisions of the court order whether the daughter wished to have it issued or not. As a minor she has no legal say in the matter.
A petition seeking a restraining order must be filed in the court with appropriate jurisdiction over the parties.In most cases, the defendant must be sued where he/she lives.Another View: Disagree. If the alleged activities are occurring in the jurisdiction where the victim lives, the restraining order must be applied for in the jurisdiction in which the plaintiff resides, and in which the alleged activities are taking place. When granted by the court in the plaintiff's jurisdiction it is enforeceable throughout the state.