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i do not believe so, you may need consent from the father or court, but this is just a guess, i would check this more thoroughly.

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Q: Can you leave the state of kansas with your child before the divorce is final?
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You are not able to get remarried before your divorce is final. If you do remarry before that, then your marriage will not be legal.

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If the court orders them to do so, they must. Temporary child support is common. There is also a moral obligation.

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No. If you remarry before your divorce is final, then that marriage will not be legal, and you could be charged with bigamy.

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No. A judgment of divorce is final and releases both parties from claims of the other.

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A man living with another woman having a child or children, is very irresponsible because no matter how you word it the child or children are illigitimate.

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Not after the divorce is final.

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No you cannot change your last name before the divorce is finalized even in Nigeria.

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only Ethan can

How many months does it take before a divorce is final?

isn't it a year?