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You would have to check the wording of the restirctions on your bail papers to see if you have any travel restrictions. If you don't you could go, but if you were bailed out by a bailbondsman, if I were you I'd be sure to tell him you were going, or else he might think you're trying to skip on him and come after you.

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Q: Can you leave the state of NC and go to SC when on bail?
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If you're from SC, have an SC drivers licence, and maintain SC residency, yes. If you're not a resident of NC, then the only way you can do that is to have it shipped to an FFL dealer in NC.

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You file a resident tax return for SC reporting all of your earnings. You will also file a non-resident return for NC reproting only your NC wages. You will be able to get a credit for any tax liability for NC on your SC return which will help off-set any tax liability there.

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You'll file as a resident of NC and a non-resident of SC. The non resident filing will apportion part of your income to that state and the tax you pay will be a credit for tax due in the other State.

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Through a filing in SC.

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yes, bc your in there care. the governments care therefore they can.

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No. South Carolina is one of the states which will not recognise an out-of-state learner's permit.