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The answer is yes/ no....If you have a passport you can go anywhere you would like but if you have warrants you cannot go anywhere technically, if you have a passport you can leave, if you do not have one you can apply for one... the agency that handles passports has nothing to do with your record... so if they issue you one you can haull assssssssssssssss! I EMAILED THE AGENCY MYSELF AND YOUR PASSPORT AND RECORD ARE TWO COMPLETLY THINGS ONLY IF RELEASED ON BOND, ON PROBATION, OR OWE A LARGE AMOUNT IN CHILD SUPPORT WILL THE COURTS INTERFERE WITH YOUR PASSPORT RIGHTS.

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Q: Can you leave the country if you have a felony on your record 1 year old?
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Can you get into a 4 year college with a felony on your record?

Maybe, it depends.

What determines a felony on your record?

If you have evern been convicted of a felony crime (i.e.: any offense whcih has a statutory minimum of more than one year in prison) it will appear on your record.

Can someone with a 15 year old felony marijuana charge get it taken off there record?

Whether or not a felony charge can be removed from the record of a minor is up to a judge. Most judges can close records, but the charge will remain.

You are 50 years old and had a drug felony charge when you were 17 what do you need to do to remove this charge from your criminal record?

esponging a 33 year old drug felony charge

When will a felony be off your record in NJ?

In New Jersey, indictable offenses may only be expunged if you have less than 4 on your record, and only after a 10 year waiting period.

Can you get an eleven year old felony conviction erased off of your record so that you can get a good job?

Yes, you can. It gets erased when you are 16.

Will a 27 year old felony show up on employment background check?

Felonies remain on the record for life. It will show up unless it is expunged.

Can you be 17 years old and leave the country?

No,You Must Be 18 Year's Old.

How much jail time for class c felony with no prior record?

In Nevada, Minimum 1 year max (4 or 5) years. AND / OR up to $10k

After 20 year felony can you own a firearm in florida?

If a person has a felony you cannot own a gun. It does not matter how long you have had the felony.

Who founded Switzerland?

There is no record of who founded Switzerland. Not even the exact date is known. The Swiss celebrate the founding of the country on 1st August every year, but there is no historical record of this date, just the year.

Is second degree murder a felony in Oregon?

It is a felony in all states. A felony is a crime for which you can go to prison for a year or more, or be executed.