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No. Neither if the bullet hit the femoral artery. If the bullet hit the femoral artery, you will eventually die if the bleeding isn't stopped immediately. But no, you won't die instantly if you're shot in the leg. You will, however, die instantly if you were shot in the head through the back of your head close the spinal cord because that area of the brain is where your internal organs, including your heart, are controlled from.


There are only three places by gun shot that can typically kill instantly: head, heart, and spinal cord. However, it is important to realize that "instantly" is a relative term here. It takes no less than 5 minutes for clinical death to set in once the heart stops. Even a head shot can leave the heart beating for some time longer than five minutes, and brain death does not occur until circulation has ceased for five minutes or more.

A GSW to the femoral artery can take 1 minute (if the artery is totally severed) to an indeterminate time if it only nicked (depending on the size of the opening in the artery) for exsanguination to occur. Approximately half of a person's blood supply would have to evacuate before the heart stopped, and then the brain death clock starts. It is possible however, and quite possible that the GSW victim would succumb to shock before bleeding out.

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Q: Can you kill someone buy shooting them in the leg?
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