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Yes. However each branch has it's own idiosyncracies with this. If the branch presently is not in need of recruits they may not process the waiver that may be required to enlist. Typically most misdemeanors are allowed through a fairly easy waiver process but as with anything there are exceptions to the rule.

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10y ago

A person with a misdemeanor warrant may receive a waiver to be able to join the Navy. The waiver granted depends on the charge. Felony warrants may also be granted a wavier although it is rare.

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14y ago

Depends on the charge, as long as it has nothing to do with drugs you should be good as of 20 May 2010. Your best bet is to consult with a local recruiter and allow them the opportunity to check the current regulations and rules.

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14y ago

There is no way of answering this question. Military recruiters have a wide latitude in the selection of recruits. Contact you local recruiter and ask - BUT BE UP-FRONT and DON'T LIE about it. Recruiters have access to your FULL (even your expunged) criminal history.

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14y ago

Usually, yes.. it'll still require an ENTNAC waiver. However, it's ultimately going to depend on the nature of what this misdemeanor was. You would need to speak with your local National Guard recruiter (if you don't have a NG recruiting centre nearby, try calling your local armoury, as there's a good chance you may find one there) before you could really be given a definite answer on this.

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14y ago

It is possible, dependent on a number of different factors. You really need to speak with a recruiter to find out whether or not your specific offence will disqualify you from being eligible for a service waiver.

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15y ago

For the OFFICIAL answer to this question you need to ask your recruiter, only he/she will be able to answer that question.

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15y ago

they wont if its a drug charge, other wise your good to go

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Q: Can you still join the military with a misdemeanor?
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