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Carefully read your probation papers or ask your probation officer. If your travel is not specifically restricted you should be able to. Don't be gone so long that you miss any appointments or court dates!

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Q: Can you go on holiday when your on probation?
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Can you go to a casino while on probation?

Yes, unless it is a specific condition of your probation that you do not go to casinos.

Can you get a passport if you are on probation to go on a honeymoon?

You need to ask your probation officer about that.

Can you go on vacation while under probation?

You need to check with your probation officer if you plan on leaving your state. Otherwise, if you stay within the rules of your probation, you can go on vacation.

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It depends on what the violation is and what you are on probation for.

Can you travel to a foreign country after a DUI?

if your on probation consualt your probation officer if not then go ahead.

What happens with someone skips bond and on probation already?

Probation violation you will go to jail. An still owe on fines an still will be own probation

What happens if you dont go to probation revocation hearing?

If it was YOUR probation that was being discussed, you can pretty much bet that youir probation was probably revoked.

Can you hunt in NH if you are on probation in PA for a misdeamor?

no you cant leave the state while on probation unless you get permission from your probation officer or you will go to jail and most probation officers will tell you that you can't have any weapons while on probation

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You could have your probation revoked and go back to prison.

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No. You must finish your probation period first.

Can probation lock you up when your 18 and still on juvinelle probation?

Yes, they can. I am 18 and on probation and my PO said that if I fail another drug test she would send me to juvi. If you're on juvi probation and go to jail, you will more than likely go to juvi.

What happens when you get a charge while on probation?

You have violated your probation, which means you can go directly back to jail without any waiting period.