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Bullying is legally considered a form of harassment. The thing about restraining orders (at least where I live,) is that you must press charges for harassment first, and then once you have pressed charges for harassment you may file for a restraining order. I don't know where you are from, and I'm not a lawyer so I'm not 100% sure about the laws on this, but I have been told that is how it works in my state.

In short- yes, you can get a restraining order against someone who is bullying you, as long as you can prove that they have continued to bully/harass you even after you have asked/told them to stop.

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Q: Can you give a restring order to some one for bullying?
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Some antibullying organizations in the US are: Bully Police USA, Great Schools, International Bullying Prevention Association and Stomp Out Bullying.

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Because bullying is every were around the world.

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Some types are cyberbulling which is bullying on electronics and bulling is just regular being mean to people.

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The effects of Gay Bullying are the same as any bullying: fear, loss of self esteem and confidence, feeling isolated.

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