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Although laws vary from state to state, generally speaking you are ineligible for unemployment benefits if you voluntarily quit due to personal reasons not attributable to the work.

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Q: Can you get unemployment if you quit your job that did not work out for another?
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Can you collect unemployment if you live in MA and quit your job to move to another state?

No. You QUIT the job. To get unemployment you have to be fired.

If you live in Nebraska and quit your job to move to another state can you draw unemployment?

No. If you quit your job, you are not eligible for Unemployment benefits.

Do you qualify for unemployment insurance if you quit your job instead of taking a mandatory demotion due to downsizing?

I believe any time you quit a job your not allowed unemployment, that's why it may be better to keep the job you have and look for another or work two jobs.

If you were on unemployment and went to work for three weeks can you quit and go back on unemployment?

You can't get unemployment when you quit a job. You can only receive benefits if you lose your job through no fault/decision of your own.

Do you have to quit school to accept suitable work for unemployment benefits?

I don't see why you would have to quit school. It looks like you are putting everything in reverse order. Are you trying to quit school so you can get a job in order to quit the job and get unemployment?

Can you collect unemployment if you have a prn job?

Don't do it, if you end up with only one day a week and you quit unemployment will stop your benefit because you quit. Unemployment considers it acceptable work.

Can you get unemployment if I quit my job for another job then got fired from that job within 4 months?

It will likely depend on why you were fired.

Do you qualify for unemployment if you quit your job in Maryland to marry and relocate?

Quitting a job does not qualify for unemployment.

Does Calif have a law that qualifies a person for unemployment benefits if you quit job to follow spouse to another state?


Why is disability a cause of unemployment?

If the person is disabled, and unable to work , then he/she will have to quit her job, resulting in being unemployed.

Would you be eligible for unemployment if you quit you job and moved to a different state?

First -- I am NOT a lawyer.As general rule, if you quit a job, you are not eligible for unemployment benefits. If you lose your job through no fault of your own, your eligibility will be determined by the rules of the state you move to. A period of residency may be required.can you collect unemployment if you quit your job to move out of state?what are the terms and conditions of collecting unemployment if you quit your job to move out of state?

If you walk off your job and still collect unemployment?

No, if you quit your job, you are no longer eligible for unemployment insurance benefits.