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Yes, it's possible particularly if you are eligible for tax credits due to your status as sole custodian of a minor child as long as no one else is claiming him or her.

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Q: Can you get tax refund if only on SSI Im disabled and have sole custody 1 child?
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Can a mother take a child out of the county?

If, and only if, she has legal MAIN custody of the child, then yes.

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No. Custody by transfer to another individual is legal by court order only.

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The only one with custody of the unborn child is the pregnant mother. After the baby is born, the parent wishing custody or visitation can file for the same in the appropriate court of jurisdiction (where the child legally resides after its birth).

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No. Only the custodial parent get child support and not returning the child is kidnapping.

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Only with approval by the court of a Motion for Custody of a Child In Need Of Care.

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Determining child support has only one goal which is to determine medical, financial and daycare support. Custody is NOT determined when child support is established. To establish child support you have to go to court. Otherwise if the mother was unwed and paternity/custody is not established she automatically has sole custody which entitles you to pay her child support but you are not entitled to visitation, school/dr records etc unless she gives them to you... If custody is not established then the mother has custody

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If she is not the one with custody, yes.

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You will get temporary custody only until your spouse contests it in court. I am assuming that the child currently lives with you.

What is sole custody and what does it entitle?

The parent award sole custody of the child(ren) is the only person who can make decisions for said child(ren) - legal, educational, medical, etc.

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If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.