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If the child's RSDI benefit is based on the obligor's SSA account, it is considered child support. If that benefit exceeds the amount ordered for child support, the obligor does not owe any additional payment.

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Q: Can you get child support and ss survivor benefits?
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Can SS benefits be garnished for child support?


Is there any way that my child can receive social security benefits from her father?

Minor children (under 18) are eligible for SS survivor benefits upon the death of a parent whose work history qualifies themin accordance withSS regulations. If a livingnon custodialparent is receiving SS benefits of any sort thosebenefits are subject to garnishment for child support obligations.

Does social security benefits replace child support?

My ex husband was in an accident and has not paid child support for 27 months. He is now drawing SS benefits which my child just started to receive benefits, his step-child is receiving the other half of the benefits. However, these benefits are less than what he was paying in child support

Do you have to pay child support if social security starts next month?

All SS benefits are subject to court ordered child support collection.

Can a military pension be garnished for child support?

Yes, all pension benefits both military, SS, private, etc. can be garnished for child support.

Can you drop back child support in Louisiana if you are on state assistance?

No. SS benefits and public assistance funds are still subject to child support enforcement.

if a parent is on ss cud his kids claim ss or get money from him?

Your children will receive survivor benefits if you were to die.

Can child surport be ceased if the parent is on SSI?

No, SSI is subject to garnishment for child support obligations. All SS benefits and/or public assistance benefits can be garnished for child support obligations if the person who receives it is under a court order to financially support their child/children.

What happens to back child support when the father's income is Social Security?

The support is still owed and SS benefits of any sort are subject to garnishment for child support obligations.

How do you have child support taken out of child's ss benefits?

You don't. However, if the child's RSDI benefit is based on the obligor's SSA account, it is considered child support. If that benefit exceeds the amount ordered for child support, the obligor does not owe any additional payment.

Can a child who is not in the care of the deceased's widow be eligible for survivor's benefits?

Yes, a child who is not in the care of the deceased's widow may still be eligible for survivor's benefits if they meet the eligibility criteria set forth by the Social Security Administration. This includes being the deceased worker's biological, adopted, or dependent stepchild, and meeting age and relationship requirements.

I have been living with an SSI recepient for 17 years what am I entitled to in a community property state as far as SSI is concerned What about our child does money come to her?

You would not be entitled to any of the SSI benefits. For a person to be eligible for any SS benefits of their partner, that person must be legally married to the receipient of such. The child might be entitled to survivor benefits upon the death of the SS beneficiary, but parentage would have to be established and the deceased would have to be qualified for regular SS retirement benefits or SSD not SSI.