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It seems unlikely that would occur. Spittle can be cleaned and does not destroy the garment.

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Q: Can you get charged with malicious destruction of property for spitting on someones coat?
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Is it illegal to pee in someones shoes?

yes it is destruction of property and if it is in public it is public indecency.Added: It also falls into the same category as spitting in somone's face. The direct and personal insult is so disgusting and provocative as to be the cause of excusable physical retaliation to it. (see also: definition of "fighting words")

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No but you will get a warning if the police saw ya do it.

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It cannot be written down as there is no alphabet character for spitting in someones face

Is it illegal in mass to spit in someone's face?

I believe that in most places, spitting in someones face is considered assault, which is very illegal, yes.

When did the spitting cobra become an endangered species?

The spitting cobra is not currently classified as an endangered species. However, habitat destruction and human activities may impact their populations in the future.

Is it illegal to spit on someones private property?

Not Here In New York, Idont Thinks Its Illigal Anyways, But Its Very Disrespectful... the low of thee low, spitting on people or there things. even if it is illegal its not that big of a deal, they wont send you to jail for it

What is the Medical suffix that means spitting?

The medical suffix that means spitting is "-ptysis."

How dangerous is the spitting cobra?

how poisionous is the spitting cobra

Is it illegal to spit in public?

Spitting in public may be considered a form of disorderly conduct and can be subject to fines or penalties, depending on local laws and regulations. It is generally considered disrespectful and unhygienic. It is advisable to avoid spitting in public places.

Does spitting in someones face spread germs?

Yes it does because there are alot of germs in your body. Spitting in someones face does spread alot of germs. If you do spit in someone's face, it spreads about 25 billion germs to that person. It also could get someone very sick. So I suggest not spitting in someone's face.

When was The Spitting Image created?

The Spitting Image was created in 1998.

Why is spitting a direct free kick?

because spitting is descusting