If you owe a finance company for it, they may reposess the motorcycle.
Yes, the amount of money that you owe on the motorcycle will be added on to the amount you are borrowing on whatever vehicle you are buying. They will then pay off the title since you owe that money anyhow for the new vehicle.
No you don't still owe; once the motorcycle has been repossessed, it is no longer your concern. Whether the creditor sells it or fails to sell it is the creditor's problem, not yours.
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you still owe on the motorcycle. that's why banks require full coverage at the time of the loan-so that they will get their money. Since there is no insurance company, YOU are responsible for paying off the loan.
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Who has the title to this motorcycle? If they do then you'll have a tough time getting your money or your bike. Contact a lawyer - you might need one.
You will have to pay a fine. And pay all the money back that you owe.
Yes, you can obtain a license with a criminal record as long as you don't owe any fees to the court.
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