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You cannot get a divorce in Arkansas if the woman is pregnant - even if the baby is not the husband's. You must wait until the child is born, and paternity is established before a divorce is granted.

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13y ago
Divorce While Pregnant

If you meet the residency requirements for filing a divorce in Arizona (90 days), you can proceed in filing a divorce. (Pregnancy does not prevent a person from filing). However, the Court may delay entering the Decree of Dissolution until after the child's birth.

It depends on the state that you live in. You need to check the state laws.

One contributor has said that in the state of Ohio you cannot get a divorce while you are pregnant.

Here is more advice:

  • Yes you can get a divorce. There is nothing to stop you, you have custody of the fetus for now. But just be prepared that if he is unhappy about all of this, it will be a long hard haul getting through the process.
  • Only after you do everything you can to save the marriage. If you communicate openly and honesty, and if you're both willing to work and sacrifice for your marriage, then you can find happiness together anew.
  • It depends on what state you live in. There are states that will not allow you to get a divorce if you are pregnant, and in those states you have to wait until after the child is born before a divorce will be granted.
  • PLEASE check local laws about this. Arkansas, for example does NOT grant divorce, even if the child is NOT the husband's. My advice, check local laws, gain "legal residency" in another state that does (an address, mail, bills, and a drivers license... all mail going there, even a credit card... even if you do not live there... after 6 months, you are a resident, and you can divorce there.

And I would advise that you ask for child support

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13y ago

No fault divorce allows someone to divorce their spouse for reasons that are recognized by the state. Below is a link that has alot more information on divorce. Arkansas is a no fault divorce state.

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12y ago
  • Yes, a woman can get a divorce while pregnant, but it would be wise to hire a lawyer because the father in most cases has a right to partial custody of his own child.
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18y ago

if you move then you can divorce anywhere.

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16y ago

Of course you can.

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15y ago

yes, but custody cannot be decided.

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Q: Can you get a divorce in AR when wife is pregnant?
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If your wife is pregnant before she marries you can you divorce her according to Islam?

In Islam, you can not marry a pregnant woman unless she gives birth, this is if she was married to another man, then got divorce or her husband died, this marriage is then illegal, and any act that is done as a result is considered a sin.But if this pregnancy was due to an affair with the person who married her later on, this is considered a sin, for committing adultery, but as long as she married that same person, both are then recommended to ask for forgiveness.As for divorce, a Muslim can divorce his wife, when he sees he can't continue that marriage, regardless to the reasons, but he is recommended not to divorce his wife during her days of menses, though that divorce is legal, but the husband is then committing a prohibited act that needs asking for forgiveness.The question does not clarify if the wife was pregnant of the same husband that she married or from someone else.However,if the wife was pregnant of the same husband that she married, then both are sinful for having intercourse sex without marriage (called in Arabic Zena).if the wife is pregnant from someone else who is not the husband, then there are two possibilities:either the husband knew that she is pregnant from someone else, then the marriage is illegal and is not licit. The marriage should be after the woman giving birth, orthe husband does not know that she was pregnant then marriage happened with cheating and marriage built on cheating is again not licit and is illegal. Cheating is forbidden in Islam.In any case, divorce is allowed in Islam if both sides, husband and wife, feel that marriage continuation is no longer possible.