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Yes, you can.

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Q: Can you get a class A CDL with a misdemeanor?
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misdemeanor owi.1yr old.getting my cdl on my own. will a company hire me?

A misdemeanor will not stop you from getting a cdl.

Does CDL class A override a CDL class B?

Not sure what you mean, exactly. Class A is considered the "higher" classification, yes. If you have a Class A CDL, you can operate vehicles requiring that class of licence or any class below that. You could operate a vehicle requiring a Class B CDL, for example, but a driver with a Class B CDL wouldn't be permitted to operate a combination requiring a Class A CDL.

Is Harassing communications considered a class A or Class C misdemeanor in Arkansas?

yes, it is a class a misdemeanor.

Is consumption of alcohol by a minor a class A misdemeanor in Utah?

no it is a class b misdemeanor

Is it a class a misdemeanor to run a security company without a license?

It is a class a misdemeanor

Can you have a gross combination weight of 75000 pounds with a class d cdl and still be legal?

CDL classes are A, B, and C - there is no Class D CDL.

Can a cdl driver drive a triaxal dump truck with a trailer and small piece of equipment on it?

Depends on which Class of CDL. A driver with a Class C CDL is not licensed on that vehicle. A driver with a Class B CDL can drive that combination only if the GVW of the trailer is less than 10,000 lbs. A driver with a Class A CDL can drive it.

Can you get your cdl license with a misdemeanor?

Yes. However, the misdemeanor may impair you from obtaining a hazardous materials endorsement, dependent on the specific charge and circumstances.

What is the difference between a class A misdemeanor and a Class B misdemeanor?

A Class A misdemeanor can include incarceration for not more than 1 year with fines up $2,500. A Class B misdemeanor can include jail for not more than 6 months with a fine up to $1,000.

Can you buy a gun with a Class A misdemeanor?

Depends on what the misdemeanor was.

What is class a misdemeanor?

In some states, it signifies the most serious of all the Misdemeanor offenses.

Is a class e misdemeanor worst than a class c misdemeanor?

Didn't you learn your alphabet?