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you cant gamble in Texas (period). Its illegal

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Q: Can you gamble while on parole in the state of Texas?
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Can you drink alcohol while on parole in California?

Check your parole stipulations. It will state clearly there, no.

Can an inmate parole from Michigan to NC?

Transferring to another state while on parole can be done after negotiating with the parole officer and parole board. There is a national board called the Adult Interstate Compact office which seems to organize these transfers. There are typically fees that must be paid to apply for the transfer and then some states charge a monthly fee of $30 to $135 to manage the out of state case.

Can you leave the county while on license from prison?

Do you mean, on parole? If on parole, it's up to the court agreement. In many cases, you can't leave the state while on bond, or leave the county while on probation, without the Judge's OK. If you work out of county, a provision can be made.

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I cannot imagine why you would not be able to be married while released on parole.

If while on parole you commit a felony what happens?

You can count on a parole violation.

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Can a person drink alcohol while on parole in Pennsylvania?

It depends on the conditions of the parole.

Are you considered to be off of parole since your discharged date while still owing supervision fees to department of corrections in Wisconsin?

In the State of Missouri the answer is yes. It is not legal to extend someone's parole time in any state for not paying fees. Unpaid fees are simply usually referred to a collection agency once the offender is discharged from parole.

In Texas what happens if you drive without a DL while on parole?

If you are caught, that is two violations: 1). driving without a license - a violation of law; and, 2). contact with law enforcement - a violation of parole stipulations. Likely as not you will be returned to prison with a new charge.

How do you find out what someone did to violate their parole?

If you know who it is, his or her actual parole officer. If you do not know exactly who that is, the state department of parole office closest to your location. If you cannot easily find the phone number or address, call your local police department, they will know what it is. If the parole violation is currently happening, and it is something that is a crime even if a person is on parole, you should call the local police, and while reporting the crime advise them that this person is on parole, together with whatever details you have about that parole.

What is a DWLI state of Texas?

driving while license invalid

Can you move to another city while on parole in California?

As long as you stay in the same state, and declare to any officials/police that you may be moving. But this depends on the laws of that state