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this you can do by your self, go to the court house and file for custody of the child and then go to a lawyer, your'll need them then. The procedure is to file for guardianship of a minor, custodial issues pertain to biological parents. Filing for guardianship is not a complicated process. Contact the clerk of the family or domestic relations court in your county, or simply call the information number of the county court. Abandonment laws are established by individual states, most states only consider abandonment when a minor child has been left w/o adult supervision in an environment that constituted physical endangermnent. The judge may allow such an issue addressed at the guardianship hearing, or you can contact state social services for more specific information.

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Q: Can you file for custody of your grandson without a lawyer and what if any are the procedures for filing child abandonment charges?
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The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.The father must establish his paternity through the courts since he and the mother were not married. He can petition for full custody. He should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. The mother's abandonment can certainly be used as evidence that the father should receive legal custody. He is providing the day to day care of the child.

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A child does not need to be abandoned by their mother for a father to be awarded full custody. If the father can demonstrate before a judge that the mother is unfit to parent, the judge can award him full custody of the child.

What is the law on child abandonment in Florida?

What is the time line for child abandonment for a non custodial parent? My husband was given temporary full custody of a three year old and five year old in December 2008. The mother was only allowed to have supervised visitation. She maintained off and on contact until May 2009. She has not called or made any attempt to contact the girls since May. How long do we have to wait to file abandonment?

How can you get custody of grandson from daughter who has abandon him?

Get a custody hearing from a court and see where they can take it from there. You must prove you are capable of looking after the child long term in a safe and nurturing environment. Get a good lawyer.

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If no orders are established and you were not married to him, you already have sole custody.

If you have shared parental responsibility of a child and the father just moved out of the country and left his child with the mother is that abandonment and did he just give up his rights?

Not necessarily, states have control over domestic issues. The laws of the state where the custody order was obtained determine what constitutes abandonment. If the person is still paying court ordered child support it would not be construed as abandonment. Contacting the attorney who assisted in the original custody agreement might help in obtaining more specific information.

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what hapens with that person