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Bankruptcy is a Federal process and has no effect on child support. Bankruptcy does not dismiss child support debts.

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Q: Can you file back child support in a bankruptcy in the state of Alabama?
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When filing bankruptcy can past child support be included?

No. Child support is not dischargeable in either federal or state bankruptcy.

In Alabama does the parent still have to pay child support if the minor has a baby?

i live in child is 18 and she just had ababy do i still have to pay child support do i pay child support for my child who has a baby

Can a state garnish wages on child support arrears if they are included in chapter 13?

Yes; child support is not affected by or discharged in bankruptcy.

When is it ok to terminate child support in the state of Alabama?

Age 19.

Can you remarry in the state of Alabama if you owe back child support?

You can still remarry but you will still owe the child support arrears.

Can you file bankruptcy on child support in the state of Michigan?

no it will stay with you forever like student loans

If a child drops out of school and is under 18 does child support stop in the state of Alabama?

No, child support doesn't stop. Quitting school does not emancipate a minor.

If the noncustodial parent is receiving unemployment in Alabama and he owes child support in Florida will they automatically hold child support?

It's not automatic. I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency.

Can interest on past due child support be removed in Alabama and how?

yes in the state of ri

In Alabama can you receive child support and tanf?

Not legally. The state takes over the claim.

Can you file back child support in a bankruptcy in the state of Illinois?

When you file for bankruptcy, you are required to list ALL debts you owe. However, child support or alimony (called Domestic Support) are NOT discharged in a bankruptcy. In a Chapter 7 - this debt survives your discharge. In a 13 - you probably can pay back the arrears over time, but you have to make the required monthly payment to the Child support agency for current support AND the trustee payment for the back support. I would seek the advice of an attorney that specializes in Bankruptcy to see if this is an option for you.

Can you receive a passport after filing Chapter 13 If I own back child support?

It's likely that one or more States has notified the US State Department of your child support arrearage and, if so, you will not receive a passport. Child support debt is not discharged in bankruptcy.