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Yes, you can. But any reconciliation will have to go through a mediator/lawyer before having him return. There are severe consequences if he (or you) break the terms of the restraining order. Be certain when making your decision.

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Q: Can you file a restraining order against your husband if he threatens your life and wont leave your home?
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How do you let your husband know that you love him even though he has a restraining order against you and he put you in jail?

You take the hint and leave him alone.

How do you succeed over the mentally abusive husband?

Tell your friends you need them to come with you to collect your stuff from your place and just leave. Then call the police and put a restraining order against him.

When your boyfriend threatens to leave you?

you should leave him if your boyfriend threatens you in anyway your to good for him so ditch him NOW

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Leave his butt!

Can your ex lift a restraining order against you as she asked not for one to be enforced but one as been anyway?

If there is a restraining order, it's probably there for a good reason. Do both of you a favor and just leave her alone.

Can a wife get a restraining order on husband if there is no evidence of abuse or threats?

Yes, it's the common way to get him removed when he refuses to leave at her request. Getting a restraining order is easy as David Letterman learned, cost him thousands to defend. see link

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You already have disowned your son if you are estranged from him. If he should be harassing you then you can get a Restraining Order against him, but otherwise if he is staying away then leave it be.

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If it is your house and in your name, call the police and have her removed. Get a restraining order against her so she cannot return.

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get a restraining order of protections against him, or call the cops, change your number

When your boyfriend threatens to leave every time?

Dare him to leave. Challenge him to do it and if he does, he's NOT worth it.

If someone put a restraining order on you how will you know if you are supposed to stay away from the person Would you immediately be in voilation of it even if you do not know?

Unfortunately yes, lets say you're in a store and the person with the restraining order walks in, that person has to notify the store that they have a restraining order against you and they would notify you to leave but if that person wanted to be a (you know what) then they could say that you saw them and still proceeded to break the restraining order.

Why is it that my husband always accuses me of cheating he always threatens me he is going to leave me which happens very often even though im not cheating?

stop cheating on him? - well maybe you are doing something that you are unaware of but your husband senses other things , that leads up too you cheating on him.