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There apparently is no procedure for the EXPUNGING of military records, only for requesting a PARDON. PARDON OF A MILITARY OFFENSE: If you are requesting PARDON of a court-martial conviction only, you should submit your completed petition directly to the Secretary of the military branch that had original jurisdiction in your case. (e.g.- Secretary of the Army - Secretary of the Navy - Secretary of the Air Force). Pardon of a military offense will not change the character of a military discharge. An upgrade or other change to a military discharge may only be accomplished by action of the appropriate military authorities.


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What state? You'll have to check your state's statutes. Some offenses aren't expungable (sex crimes for instance) and in your state Domestic Violence may not qualify either.

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Can you expunge a domestic violence conviction in Ohio?

In theory, any criminal conviction can be expunged. Actually doing it is something else again. Courts are generally reluctant to expunge any record unless there is a clear showing that the original conviction was unjust, or a long period of good conduct has passed with no further criminal actions recorded. The more serious the violation/conviction, the longer one has to show good conduct and the more reluctant a court will be to expunge a conviction. Domestic violence is a serious offense, and courts are very reluctant to expunge these for any reason.

How do you remove a DUI felony charge in Missouri?

It's almost impossible to expunge any felony conviction without a pardon. In fact, it is very difficult to expunge even a misdemeanor DUI.

Can you join the military if you have a conviction?

Depends. Conviction for WHAT?

How does one expunge a conviction for felony fleeing to elude in KS?

There are several factors which must be considered to determine whether a conviction can be expunged. The date of conviction and the county are important. You should consult an attorney for legal advise and assistance.

Can you have a Assault on a female conviction expunged?

It depends. Each state has their own policies for expunging convictions. If your assault conviction is related to family violence, it may be much harder to expunge than it would be if it were a regular assault conviction.

Can you have a misdemeanor DUI expunged in Hamilton county Indiana If it is your only conviction.?

You cannot expunge an Indiana DUI/OWI conviction. Best chance is to hire a good attorney and Plea bargain for a lesser conviction. With a 1st offense it is possible.

Can you expunge a DUI in NC?

You cannot expunge from your record any conviction that was received as an adult. In NC, 16 and older is an adult. If you were convicted of anything, it cannot be expunged. Only charges that were dismissed can be expunged. Your DUI will be on your record forever. Sorry.

How do you expunge your felony conviction from Oregon?

You begin by filing a motion with the Clerk of the Court of the county in which you were convicted. For specific information see the below link:

Can a person in state of SC expunge a nonviolent felony conviction if he has had prior misdemeanor convictions years before?

Each case is considered on an individual basis.

Can you expunge a domestic violence conviction in Alaska?

You can check with your local court system to make sure, but there are certain charges that are not eligible for expunction. I believe that Domestic Violence Convictions are among these.

How does conviction of felony affect military retirement?

it doesn't do anything. It will make the military person go to jail.