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Yes the same happened to me, i used a rope to wrap around the branch of it and pull it onto my side until it eventually broke off.

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Q: Can you cut down a tree branch overhanging your property line if it endangers the tree?
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How do I go about getting the city to do a tree removal on my lawn?

Most cities will not remove a tree unless it is on city property. If the tree is a danger or if it is dying the city will cut it down only if it is on property owned by the city. At times, if branches of a tree are overhanging into the street, the city will trim them up. Trees on private property are mainly the property owners responsibilty and the city will not pay to have the trees removed. Even if your neighbor has a dead tree in his yard that threats your property, the city is not responsible. Trees healthy or sick are the homeowner, or property owner's responsibilty. I am sure states may vary, but this is usually the norm.

Can my neighbor have any recourse if a tree is cut down that is mostly on your property but the outer edge is on the property line it is in the way of a wall that will be built on the property line?

If the tree was damaged and could have fallen onto a public road, you could have the town cut it down. Also your homeowners policy holder should be able to answer this because if it falls onto your property the tree's owner will have to pay for clean up and or damage. I also know that you are free to cut any branch that hangs over onto your property

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executive branch

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when property values go down

What branch has the sort code 40-02-90?

No branch has this sort number. Check the number you have. It is possible the branch was closed down. Visit a local branch for information.

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I have seen Baltimore oriole nests and they hang down like a pendulum from whatever they are secured to, that be a branch or even overhanging a porch.

Does a fallen-down tree's bark rot after its fallen down?

Depending on the environment. if the branch has fallen in a dry environment it won't rot, but if the branch has fallen in a wet or damp environment e.g-rain forest the branch will rot.

How do you get your down payment back on foreclosed property?

Your down payment was used to purchase the property and was paid directly to the seller. You don't get it back.

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That would be property where more is owed on the mortgage than the value of the property. The term upside down is also used in that sense.That would be property where more is owed on the mortgage than the value of the property. The term upside down is also used in that sense.That would be property where more is owed on the mortgage than the value of the property. The term upside down is also used in that sense.That would be property where more is owed on the mortgage than the value of the property. The term upside down is also used in that sense.

When your skateboarding do you spead up or slow down when there's a crack or branch or when the sidewalk is uneven?

If its a branch or a crack I would just trick over it. When the sidewalk is uneven, slow down abit.

How does the legislative branch put down rebellion?

In most countries, law enforcement and military matters fall under the jurisdiction of the executive branch. So, putting down a rebellion is the responsibility of the executive branch. However, the legislative branch may pass laws regulating how this rebellion is to be handled (punishments, amnesties, etc.).

Can neighbor tear down garage structure if on property their property line?

Under certain circumstances, yes.