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You claim for a period of time (Called the base period) and any job worked in that time is counted, so you file one time only.

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Q: Can you collect unemployment from two jobs at one time or do you have to file separately for each job?
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Can you get unemployment if you are receiving you late spouses pension?

Yes you can file

How can you collect unemployment in New York?

To collect unemployment benefits, contact your local state employment security office, or its equivalent, to file your claim. The Social Security application needs to be through the local Social Security Administration's office, information can be found online.

How do you get into the unemployment program to collect benefits?

You file a claim with your local Employment Security office in the state you work in.

Can you collect unemployment after being laid off in Indiana?

I live in michigan ,work in ohio where do i file for unemployment?

Can you still collect unemployment if injured?

If you were injured on the job, the better course of action would be to file for Worker's Comp.

Can you still file and collect unemployment from Indiana when you are working but have not gotten paid yet?

No. If you earned earned wages.

Can you wait and file taxes for 2 years?

There are separate forms for each year. Each year's taxes must be accounted for separately and filed separately.

Can you file 2008 and 2009 state taxes?

Yes but each year has to be filed separately and sent separately to the correct address.

You live in Connecticut but work in New Jersey which state do you collect unemployment from?

Generally, unemployment benefits are paid by the state in which you worked. If you live in Connecticut and work in New York you most likely collect unemployment benefits from the state of New York.

You live in Indiana but got laid off in Illinois where do you collect unemployment?

You will file in Illinois. Here is the Related Link below.

If my boss cut my hours and hired someone to take them can I file for unemployment for the hours taken away from me.?

No, you cannot collect unemployment since you are still employed, even if you have lost work hours.

Can you file taxes separately from your spouse?

Yes, the election to file seperatley or jointly is yours and able to be made each year.