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You can challenge pretty much everything, however, are you going to be successful is the question. In this case, no! Here is why....

State "A" is where the child lives, therefore, state"A" has jurisdiction. If you live in state "B", your state has no jurisdiction.

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Q: Can you challenge a court's jurisdiction on child support?
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Will the courts look at using child support for retaliation?

Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.

What do you have to do to make sure child support stop when the child becomes 18 or graduates from high school in Texas?

Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.Visit the court that has jurisdiction, provide proof, and ask that the child support order be terminated.

What to expect on child support case?

Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.

Can prosecutors take child custody cases?

No, child custody cases fall under the jurisdiction of the family and probate courts.No, child custody cases fall under the jurisdiction of the family and probate courts.No, child custody cases fall under the jurisdiction of the family and probate courts.No, child custody cases fall under the jurisdiction of the family and probate courts.

How do you get a printout of your child support?

Contact the jurisdiction that issued the order for support.

What state handles child support issues if the child lives in GA and the obligor lives in TX?

This would be dependent on who has jurisdiction. If the child was moved to Georgia, Texas would retain jurisdiction on child support.

Does child support automatically end when the child reaches 19 or do you have notify the courts?

I was told that it ends when the child turns 18 inless they owe money in child support but I would ask the courts. I was told that it ends when the child turns 18 inless they owe money in child support but I would ask the courts.

How many doctors notes can you give to be temporary excused from child support payments?

You need to take your question to the court that has jurisdiction and request a temporary modification of your child support order.You need to take your question to the court that has jurisdiction and request a temporary modification of your child support order.You need to take your question to the court that has jurisdiction and request a temporary modification of your child support order.You need to take your question to the court that has jurisdiction and request a temporary modification of your child support order.

If child lives with mother in a different state does the father pay support where the child resides or where the father resides?

The court that issued the order has jurisdiction but moving can complicate the situation. You should consult with an attorney or some other child support enforcement specialist. Courts will enforce child support orders from other states however, with reduced staff, it may be difficult to find that kind of support.

How do you find out if you have to pay child support?

If you have to pay support, you will be hearing from the courts and/or the child support agency in your State or the child's State.SEE LINKS BELOW

Can child support be reduced due to noncustodial parent moving out of state?

That is not generally a reason to reduce child support payments. The child support guidelines where the case is filed will still be used. You should visit the court with jurisdiction and inquire there.That is not generally a reason to reduce child support payments. The child support guidelines where the case is filed will still be used. You should visit the court with jurisdiction and inquire there.That is not generally a reason to reduce child support payments. The child support guidelines where the case is filed will still be used. You should visit the court with jurisdiction and inquire there.That is not generally a reason to reduce child support payments. The child support guidelines where the case is filed will still be used. You should visit the court with jurisdiction and inquire there.

What happens to the child support when a child moves from California to Texas to live with non custodial parent who is paying child support?

A change of custody must be filed through the courts. A change in child support should also be filed through the courts.