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I've been told you can't because it will come up on the credit check.

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Q: Can you buy a car even though you have a judgment lien against you?
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Can a creditor receive a judgment and or lien against me even though you have never appeared in court?

If you fail to appear in court a default judgment can be entered against you

If you had a judgment against you and you put it on your Chapter 7 can they keep a judgment on your credit after you are discharged from your Ch 7?

Yes. If the judgment resulted in a lien against property. Even though the judgment will be discharged in the BK. The lien will remain on the property and the item will remain on the CR. Due to the negative effect of a BK, the additional notice of a judgment, is rather insignificant.

Does a judgment act the same as a lien when you sell real property?

When a judgment is recorded in the land records it becomes a judgment lien against the debtor's real property. That property cannot be sold or mortgaged until the lien is paid.When a judgment is recorded in the land records it becomes a judgment lien against the debtor's real property. That property cannot be sold or mortgaged until the lien is paid.When a judgment is recorded in the land records it becomes a judgment lien against the debtor's real property. That property cannot be sold or mortgaged until the lien is paid.When a judgment is recorded in the land records it becomes a judgment lien against the debtor's real property. That property cannot be sold or mortgaged until the lien is paid.

Can a contractor lien the property and my vehicle?

Yes and no. The contractor can file a lien against your house for non-payment. Even if you honestly don't owe the contractor any money, he may still lien your house; he will eventually have to prove the lien's validity in court or it is automatically released. No lien can be filed against your car. However, if the contractor gets a judgment against you, that judgment may be executed against your car and home to secure payment.

Can a lienholder place a lien against you when you have nothing?

Yes, even though it seems pointless. A lien can be filed against the individual with the assumption that in the future the judgment debtor will be in some manner solvent. However, it would be unusual for a creditor to file suit against a debtor if it has been clearly established that the monies owed are uncollectible.

Can an auto insurance company file a lien against your home for auto damages?

Yes--but only if they have a court judgment against you. In that case, they would have what is called a judgment lien.

Can you put a storage lien on a food trailer if the owner of the trailer has not paid for the space he rented from you?

You need to sue for back rent and if you are successful you can request a judgment lien. The lien can be filed against the property.You need to sue for back rent and if you are successful you can request a judgment lien. The lien can be filed against the property.You need to sue for back rent and if you are successful you can request a judgment lien. The lien can be filed against the property.You need to sue for back rent and if you are successful you can request a judgment lien. The lien can be filed against the property.

If you co-signed on a car and the primary went bankrupt can a lien be placed on your home even though your husband's name is on the house too?

Yes, they can but first they have to sue you, have the court grant a judgment against you and utilize local law enforcement to deliver the judgment.

Can a credit card company put a lien against your property in North Carolina?

Yes, if they file suit and receive a judgment the creditor can execute the judgment as a lien against the debtor's property.

Is a judgment against the person or property?

A judgment can be against either the person or their property. A personal judgment is against the individual's assets or income, while a lien on property is against the person's property.

Can a sewer company put a lien on your house?

If you owe it money and they sue you in court and win then yes, they can obtain a judgment lien against you that can be recorded in the land records.If you owe it money and they sue you in court and win then yes, they can obtain a judgment lien against you that can be recorded in the land records.If you owe it money and they sue you in court and win then yes, they can obtain a judgment lien against you that can be recorded in the land records.If you owe it money and they sue you in court and win then yes, they can obtain a judgment lien against you that can be recorded in the land records.

If a civil judgment or lien is against you in South Carolina and you pay your house off can they take your home from you?

If you have a civil judgment or lien against you in South Carolina and you pay you house off, they can not take it directly from you. They may be able to put a lien against it until you pay the debt off.