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Absolutely yes, if you didn't make certain they were paid by the former owner before you paid for the property and took title.

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Q: Can you be responsible for judgments against the previous owner of your property?
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What happens if you have judgments against you after you die?

Your creditors can make claims against your estate if you own any property at the time of your death.

Judgments - can a judgment be filed on a gifted property?

Yes. Your ownership status is just the same as if you had bought the property. Any legal judgment against you can attach to the property.

What is the purpose of a title search?

To determine the owner of the property, the liens on the property and the judgments against the owners that may attach to the property. It is done to assure the buyer and/or the lender that the title is clear and marketable.

How we find out if there is a judgment against our property?

The local register of deeds should have an index of liens, foreclosures and other judgments against properties recorded there (for the municipality or county).

Judgments - can they take your house?

While any judgment can attach against real property, only a judgment and decree of foreclosure can result in the foreclosure of real property. Decrees of foreclosure are only added to judgments as a result of non-payment of a mortgage or deed of trust, or other security instrument.

In Ohio if you receive property in a will do you half to except it if so are you responsible for the debt?

You don't have to accept it. If there is a lien against the property, you would be responsible for it. Maybe you could sell the property, pay it off and keep the rest.

Are judgments granted before lawsuit?

No. Although a Mechanic's Lien can be filed against real property for repairs, improvements etc. done to said property without the necessity of due process (civil suit).

Is your mother's estate responsible to pay her ex husbands judgments?

The responsibility of your mother's estate to pay her ex-husband's judgments would depend on various factors such as the terms of their divorce agreement, any existing court orders, and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the divorce took place. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer who is knowledgeable in probate and family law to understand the specific circumstances and determine the estate's obligations.

Can an ex-boyfriend place a lien against your property for throwing away his belongings?

The boyfriend would have to file a lawsuit and be awarded a judgment before he could take seize or attach property belonging to the accused person/defendant. Judgments can be used to place liens against real property (houses, vehicles, land, businesses, etc.) owned by the losing defendant. Judgments can also be used to garnish wages or levy bank accounts or seize any non exempt property belonging to the defendant.

How do you buy property when the owner has judgments?

The judgments must be paid off in order to clear the title. You should not consider buying property unless you are represented by an attorney who specializes in real estate, especially property that is owned by a debtor. There are many different places an attorney will check for any liens against the property. If you are represented by an attorney it will be the attorney's responsibility to make certain all the liens are paid off and properly released of record.

Can you improve your credit with numerous judgments against you?

Face your judgments using valid arguments, and have your name clean again.

What is the Texas law on cosigners filing judgments against borrowers for unpaid debts and do the cosigners typically win when they do so and if the judgment is granted can your wages be garnished?

No, there are NO wage garnishments in the State of Texas. However, you can file civil judgements with documentation that shows the other party equally responsible for the debt. In the event you are awarded your judgement, you can then file on property of the party (co-borrower). You may have to wait for your money, but the responsible party will not be able to sell or refinance their property without first satisfying their debt to you.