I would not think so. If you have been there for awhile.
If you are a new hire, they can certainly do that. If you are applying, they can not hire you for that reason.
Your husbands criminal history has nothing to do with your criminal record. It would be unlawful to fire you because your husband has a criminal record. If that were the case, then anyone married to a felon would be considered a felon too.
I doubt it. Many have a criminal record from their youth for instance and that does not stop them from being great parents. So unless she is doing criminal things now you will not get full custody.
If your husband does not press charges then nothing will happen. If pressed charges then it depends on your criminal record.
No, they deserve to be fired for what they did. It is not illegal to fire someone for anything.
How do you sponge criminal record
Civil law suits are not criminal activity. They are a part of you public record, but not your criminal record.
Will get criminal record for petit larceny?
No he did not have a criminal record but people say he did
No, but a wonderful criminal record would be.
No criminal record. No criminal convictions. Clean as an angel's wing.
No, Selena Gomez doesn't have a criminal record
No, she did not she almost got a criminal record.